A Port of Seattle pre or post Alaskan cruise Fly & Drive tour to experience Washington state’s 29 federally recognized Native American tribes is not to be missed. The bold art and style of the diverse Northwest Coastal tribes that have been connected to one another for thousands of years through trade is celebrated in a fascinating itinerary offered by Rocky Mountain Holiday Tours.
Learn about the tribes’ art—masks, canoes, totem poles, baskets, clothing, and bentwood boxes—using cedar, copper and other materials readily accessible in nature. The art tells the stories of the Native American lives through the centuries, passing history and wisdom from generation to generation.
Special features of the tour include the exhibit of First Peoples at the Seattle Art Museum, the Hibulb Cultural Center in Tulalip, and hand-carved totem poles of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe near Sequim. From the Makah Cultural Center, hike out through thick, ancient forests to Cape Flattery, the most northwestern point in the contiguous USA.
Rocky Mountain Holiday Tours has packaged the Native American Highlights of Washington State tour as a tailor-made itinerary.
Contact: B World Communication, Port of Seattle representative in France, Claire Lohues, Email : claire@bworldcom.com
Contact : RMH Tours, Chris Pilley, CEO, chris@rmhtours.com, www.RMHTours.com